Information for ACG event attendees

The Australian Centre for Geomechanics is delighted to welcome attendees from around the world to our educational events.
Below is general information for attendees. Once you are registered for an event, you will be provided with additional information specific to that particular event.


The ACG’s education and training platform is coordinated by the ACG and is therefore non-commercial. This allows us to offer registrations at reasonable cost in the areas of most value and benefit to industry.

We are proud of our reputation for providing innovative and relevant events and bringing world-class international conferences and seminars to Australia and overseas for more than 30 years.

Professional Accreditation

Participation in an ACG event may contribute towards your professional development accreditation in the following ways:

  • Attending the event.
  • Presenting at the event.
  • Publishing a paper in the event proceedings.
  • Technically peer reviewing an event paper/s.

The ACG makes no guarantee of this and recommends you contact your respective professional organisation/s. The ACG can provide a certificate of attendance at an ACG further education and training event, post-event attendance. Please contact for details.

Protesting guidelines

Please click here to read the protesting guidelines for ACG events.

Disclaimer and event terms and conditions

To see website terms of use and full event terms and conditions, click here.

Copyright and permissions

To enable technology transfer of a high degree, the ACG produces publications including, but not limited to, supporting material for its many events in both hardcopy and electronic format, books, research reports, specialist publications, training videos, and an Online Repository of Conference Proceedings.

The ACG is committed to publishing high-quality work and as such, there are a number of ACG and author responsibilities and requirements involved in the publication process. Please read the ACG Copyright, Author Rights and Permissions document.

Developing events that meet your needs

We value industry feedback and suggestions about our further education and training events and are encouraged to ‘think outside the square’. Please contact Josephine Ruddle if you have any comments or queries regarding our education and training platform.

International Attendees

The ACG is delighted to welcome both international and domestic attendees to our events. For attendees intending to travel to Australia for conferences or courses, please see following for information on visa requirements:

Visa options:
Participants, attendees and speakers that will not be working, performing or otherwise be paid to contribute at the event may be eligible to apply for one of the following visa options:

Attendees, speakers and exhibitors that will be working, or otherwise be paid to contribute at the event may be eligible to apply for the following visa option:

Letter of invitation:
For a letter of invitation, email your full name as shown on passport, date of birth, passport issuing country. These details will be shared with the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs. The ACG will delete the information following the conclusion of the event. We are unable to issue letters of invitation prior to receipt of your registration and full payment.


Generally if the ACG is hosting an event within a hotel, we will secure and make known an agreed rate for delegates to stay at that same hotel. 

Australian options:

If you are travelling to Australia for one of the ACG’s events, and are looking for alternative accommodation options, there are a number of accommodation search sites that you can use:

Onsite Training

The ACG can tailor and deliver onsite training courses to suit your needs. We seek to deliver the latest technologies and information to the mining workforce in accordance with site specific requirements and applications. Our training and further education platform provides a solid base for the transfer of technological developments and practices based on knowledge gathered from local and international sources.

Please contact for further details.