Down to Earth
training video

This ACG resource is freely available as a streaming video.

Open pit wall failures, loose rock rolling down slopes, ground water and stockpiling procedures are common sources of risks in Australian open cut operations. A sound understanding of open pit geotechnical concepts is crucial for mine workers. They need to have the competency to identify potential geomechanics hazards and take appropriate actions to facilitate their own and their peers’ safety.


  • Open pit risk assessment and geomechanics issues
  • Mining cycle – drilling, blasting, digging, loading, ground support, drainage and monitoring
  • Slope failure mechanisms
  • Slope monitoring and what to look for
  • Stockpiles, roads, ramps and waste dump hazards

Key Features

  • High quality open pit mining footage and state-of-the-art graphics
  • Easy to understand and follow
  • Applicable to most open pit mining operations

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